Logistics technology is going through a fundamental shift influenced by the need to operate more efficiently and the emergence of new technologies.

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The future of logistics technologies like IoT (Internet of Things) will take tracking and monitoring capabilities to the next level while Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones) will probably be one of the most important technological revolutions in supply chain–especially for small cargo.

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    On the other hand, solutions like 3D printing could simplify the manufacturing process and bring products closer to the customers, thus eliminating, to some degree, the need to ship those products.

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    To learn more about how emerging technologies are shaping the future of the logistics industry, check out the infographic below from 2Flow. This might just give you some ideas of how you can implement new technology to influence your operations.

    Emerging Technologies Shaping the Future of Logistics

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    To learn about warehouse technology trends, follow us on LinkedInYouTubeX, or Facebook. If you have other inquiries or suggestions, please contact us here. We’ll be happy to hear from you.

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