Hiring IT support companies is a great way to shift your IT from an expense center into a profit and business center for your company. Particularly now, IT is essential for most businesses to compete, and it should help you boost your net income and not drain valuable resources.

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To help you understand how IT support companies can boost your net income, here are five ways they can, directly and indirectly, affect your bottom line. Read more below.

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    1. Reducing & Controlling Capital Costs

    IT support companies can directly boost your net income by providing Managed IT Services that offer the same or better IT management at a lower cost. They can offer this value for the following reasons:

    a. Specialization

    IT support companies can provide services at a lower cost because they specialize in technology. They have handled many issues from simple to complex, letting them acquire the experience needed to develop best practices to avoid and/or troubleshoot issues effectively, timely, and cost-efficiently.

    A specialized outsourced IT support team.

    b. Avoid Under or Over Expenditure

    Another way IT support companies can offer lower costs is by avoiding under- or over-expenditures. They do this by allocating the right person to the right job, meaning high-end engineers do not do low-cost tasks, and vice versa.

    For example, if you have only one experienced, high-cost technology engineer, this person will also need to do basic tasks. This scenario creates a disparity between the cost of the problem and the salary of the person troubleshooting. In IT support companies, technology personnel are matched cost-wise to the work they are doing.

    c. Access to Tools

    Another reason IT support companies can operate cost-effectively and offer an economical service is their access to the best tools to manage your IT infrastructure. They use tools to monitor, diagnose, and automate repetitive tasks and have visibility to take preventive actions when needed.

    Side note: Preventive actions are always recommended since they do not create disruption or overhead.

    IT Support Companies - Tools

    Source: IT Pro

    Some of the tools IT support companies use are:

    i. Kaseya VSA

    This tool collects performance data of computer and server devices around the clock. It can also automate tasks, such as removing unnecessary files, defragmenting hard drives, and removing viruses.

    ii. PRTG Network Monitor

    This tool continuously monitors all networks to detect any problems.

    iii. Syslog Server

    This tool collects logs from all devices, such as servers, computers, and networks, to better understand your equipment’s health.

    It is important to note that these tools are expensive and necessary to maintain an IT infrastructure proactively and efficiently. Additionally, having these tools lets you understand your system’s performance and health to prevent costly downtimes.

    d. Economies of Scale

    Lastly, IT support companies can offer lower costs through economies of scale. In a typical environment, a help desk personnel may be busy for an hour and idle for the next thirty minutes. However, with an IT support company, IT personnel work around the clock, significantly boosting their productivity while controlling/stabilizing their cost.

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    2. Implementing Strategic IT Solutions

    Apart from offering Managed IT Services, IT support companies can provide strategic IT solutions, such as cloud and VoIP, that can help you boost net income. If they are already handling your company’s IT, they are better equipped to discern other solutions in the market that can lower your costs.

    Here are some solutions they can offer or recommend:

    a. Managed Cloud Servers

    Cloud solutions can reduce technology costs and boost your net income since they do not require initial capital to buy hardware and software. They are also paid monthly, which allows you to invest in more critical parts of your business.

    However, it is essential to note that the cloud is not a silver bullet since expenses accumulate month to month with no end date. This cost becomes a recurring monthly expense with no residual value on the balance sheet. An IT support company gives you a strategic understanding of which systems make sense for your business to move to the cloud or keep on-site.

    To learn more if the cloud is right for your business, click here.

    Illustration of cloud servers.

    b. Managed Cloud VoIP

    Managed Cloud VoIP is another solution that IT support companies can provide or recommend to boost your net income. Compared to a landline, VoIP can reduce your phone bill by an average of 50% or more. Landlines cost about $50 per line/month, while VoIP can lower costs between $12.50 and $24.99 per line/month.

    Additionally, in terms of VoIP providers, going with smaller vendors can lower costs while still providing the same reliable service, as smaller providers have less overhead.

    c. Virtualization Solutions

    Virtualization allows you to boost your net income by running multiple virtual servers in one physical server instead of dedicating one physical server for every needed server. This allows you to maximize the utilization of your physical server while also simplifying IT management and reducing electricity costs and office space.

    3. Focusing on Your Core Business

    If IT is not your core business, outsourcing it to IT support companies is more cost-effective and efficient. This is because you can spend more time on core activities, such as sales, marketing, enhancing operational processes & procedures, and more. When companies focus on their core business, they become more agile and competitive.

    4. Increasing Efficiency

    As mentioned previously, IT support companies specialize in technology, and they have years of experience, expertise, and best practices to troubleshoot issues successfully and, more importantly, prevent them. When you outsource your IT to these companies, their expertise becomes your asset, increasing efficiency and productivity and, eventually, positively impacting the company’s net income.

    5. Better Risk Management

    IT support companies can also help you minimize and mitigate risks associated with information technology. A good example is the risk of data breaches and/or single personnel.

    For example, IT support companies are fully or partially liable if a data or system breach occurs. As a result, it is in their best interest (and your company’s benefit) to ensure systems are protected from hackers, viruses, and more.

    Another potential issue is when a company relies on a single IT person to manage its IT infrastructure/operations. Although many small businesses ignore this, we have repeatedly seen a significant risk this poses for a company to operate and scale. For example, what happens if this person has a car accident or goes on vacation? These widespread real-life examples have detrimental consequences for a company and its operations.

    Any of these risks will have a direct or indirect negative impact on the company’s net income and reputation.


    As discussed in this blog, IT support companies can be strategic and valuable in boosting and protecting a business’ net income – directly or indirectly. A company strategically partners with a trusted IT support company would reap the benefits of their expertise, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency.

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